You’re not imagining things if you think your joints are much more painful in winter. According to the latest scientific research, there is a definite link and that might see you seeking the professional services of a Kingsland physio in Auckland for some treatment. As a Kingsland physio with great expertise and experience in providing pain relief, we’re only too happy to help.
There are several plausible theories why there is such a strong connection between aching joints and cold weather. Some of the most well-known include:
So now you know the reasons for feeling more discomfort at this time of year, the obvious question is: what can you do to ease your pain during the winter months? There are several things with the most obvious of them being to stay warm. Layers of clothing, heating pads, and blankets generate heat, and that helps your muscles relax and reduce your perception of pain.
Compression to joints that swell in cold weather could also be of benefit; keep in mind that heat won’t help with joint swelling but can alleviate any stiffness. It’s also important to stay active during winter, although we advise you to dress warmly if you’re going outside to exercise in cold weather.
Finally, you can contact us for relief from ongoing winter pain. We have a range of treatments and techniques that will cheer you up when the temperature falls.
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