What Can Acupuncture Treat?
Part of a holistic approach, we use acupuncture to treat a
range of injuries, from muscle and ligament sprains to tears. We also use it for groin injuries, hamstrings, calf muscles and joint pain and swelling, including ankles, elbows, knees, wrists and shoulders. We often use acupuncture to assist patients in pre and post-operative rehabilitation. A diverse treatment method, acupuncture can be used as a treatment for patients who suffer from neck pain, headaches and sciatica. Our Auckland physiotherapists also perform a variation of acupuncture called dry needling. This method is used to relieve muscle tension and pain, which can cause patients to lose flexibility. With the combination of acupuncture, dry needling and physiotherapy techniques, we can decrease your pain and tension, as well as assist in improving flexibility back into your body.
Combining Acupuncture With Other Treatments
As you’ll notice above, there are a wide range of injury types that acupuncture can help combat. Used as a holistic treatment method, we often use acupuncture in conjunction with other physiotherapy techniques at Cairnhill Physiotherapy. Some of our other treatments include:
- Massage therapy
- Pilates
- Sport injury rehabilitation
- Pre-op / post-op rehabilitation
- On-site gym