Ankle Sprain

August 16, 2021

Ankle Instability: A Reason You Roll Your Ankles Easily

Ankle instability is not a common condition but is estimated to affect 10% of the general population who sustain an ankle sprain and up to 30% of the athlete population. The most frequent cause of ankle instability is due to a previous ankle injury that has not been properly rehabilitated. Returning to play or high-level activities […]
August 18, 2020

Not Just A simple Ankle Sprain: Lesser Known Injuries Explained

Ankle sprains are a top injury seen in our Parnell physio clinic. It not only affects the sporting population but also the general public, however, when is an ankle sprain not an ankle sprain? Ethan Smith from our Parnell physio clinic writes this blog looking at some less common injuries that can occur in the ankle region. […]
August 3, 2020

Ankle Sprain: Why You Need To See A Physiotherapist

Almost everyone has suffered an ankle sprain at some in their life; in fact, it is one of the most common reasons for people to visit our physiotherapy clinic in Epsom. Technically an ankle sprain has occurred when an ankle twists, causing damage to one of it’s supporting ligaments. The ligaments are overstretched, partially torn or […]
January 6, 2020

Tips On How To Treat An Ankle Sprain

Ankle sprains are all too common in sports. However, ankle sprains also occur from everyday activities such as missing a step on your way to the office or tripping and falling down while doing house chores. Even simply walking on an uneven surface can affect the positioning of your ankle and cause a sprain. No matter […]