
November 30, 2023

What Is Blood Flow Restriction Training?

Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) training has gained momentum in the health and fitness industries, revolutionising the way we approach rehabilitation and muscle development. We’ll explore the intricacies of BFR, unravelling the mechanisms that make it a game-changer in the fitness world.   Decoding Blood Flow Restriction BFR involves the intentional restriction of blood flow, either partially […]
August 25, 2022

A guide to seeing a physiotherapist

There are a number of reasons you may suffer from injuries. Either you’ve started a new workout routine, have upped your amount of exercise or perhaps father time is beginning to get the best of you. Looking after your health and fitness goes side by side with looking after your well-being. There are plenty of things […]
July 29, 2022

How much water should I drink per day?

Water: How Much Should You Be Drinking And Why Research suggests that adults could live up to 2 months without food but only a matter of days without water, which shows just how important hydration is. We all know drinking water is healthy and most of us are aware we should drink more often, but how […]
November 16, 2021

How Blood Flow Restriction Training Can Be Used In Rehab

How to practically apply blood flow restriction: As described in the first of the two blogs, blood flow restriction (BFR) training is done by placing a tourniquet on a limb. The cuff needs to be tightened to a specific pressure that prevents blood from flowing back to the body but allows some (but not all) of […]
October 8, 2021

The Four Biggest Mistakes You Can Make After A Muscle Tear

Our muscles play an important role in the movement of our body. Without our muscles, we wouldn’t be able to bend our elbow or straighten our leg. As our muscles are soft and designed for flexibility, they are also prone to injury and if you have ever had a muscle tear, you know that they can […]
September 30, 2021

Electrical Stimulation: What Is It And How Is It Used

Electrical stimulation has been present in the rehabilitation world from as early as the 1800s. Initially used for stroke and other neuro patients who had lost the use of their limbs and muscles due to brain damage. It is still used in this field, but it has also progress into the musculoskeletal realm. At  we use […]
September 27, 2021

You Are Not Your Scan

Many patients will ask for a scan expecting to find the answers to their pain. Imaging can show bone, ligaments, tendons, nerves, and many other tissues but does it show us pain? Sure, scans may not provide all the answers but there can’t be any harm in using them, right? This blog with look into scans […]
September 22, 2021

10,000 Steps A Day To Improve Your Health

10,000 steps a day, a catchy phrase or does it have some real meaning about it. The promotion of health and the various catch phases is becoming more and more common. Push play for 30 minutes a day, 5 plus a day, 10,000 steps etc but do any of these claims have any merit or is […]
September 13, 2021

To Surgery Or Not To Surgery

Surgery has been a commonly used treatment solution to treat injuries of the knee and shoulder, and other joints. Traditionally, it was often thought that if abnormalities showed up on scans like an MRI, surgery was the only way to ‘fix’ the abnormality. But is this really the case? We will examine some reasons why this […]